So you would like to submit something to the site?First and foremost I do not pay people for submitted content.
Second, I do not pay people for submitted photos. Third, I am not currently accepting loose photos. If you would like to submit content please know that you will not be paid. Ever. That said, you can send me an e-mail about what you would like to submit. Or you can ask in the comment box. If you are running an event, artist, company or moose and you would like to see information about you/it/them on the site please submit at least a few paragraphs of information along with contact information. The better the information, the better the chances I might consider posting it. You can send your own photos to go with your article but their inclusion will be determined by me. All submitted content and photos will me marked and credited to their creator. Submitting something does not mean I will automatically use it. If I feel I can use it I will probably contact you twice. Initially to say that I might use it and then with the go live date. Please note that this is not a promise of when it will go live. If I feel I can not use it I will contact you once. Chances are I will not say why. I do not offer editing or critiques. I am hesitant to offer this because I saw the horrors of the internet back in the 90's but I am willing to take the chance to test the waters. |