About this siteOnce upon a time...
Many years ago I moved with my family to the Buffalo area in New York state. Why am I being so specific? Prior to living here I could not seem to recall have ever heard of Buffalo. The ones that did know of it only knew it got a lot of snow. Knowing I can't change that I am still going to get it out there that there is a lot more to Buffalo then just snow. Buffalo also has some of the most helpful people I have ever met or run across. Seriously, this city is called many names (Queen City, Nickle City, City of Lights) but The City of Good Neighbors seems to fit the bill best. I'm not saying it's all sunshine and rainbows, but every time I have had to ask for directions from a random person they always try to help as best as they can. Yet for being the second most populated city in New York (over 260,000 per 2010 census) I have heard a lot of people talking about 'what to do today/tonight'. (The second popular question is 'what is Dingus day'.) I think the answer is that there is just so much going on that everyone gets overwhelmed. There are a bunch of big yearly attractions that more people out side of the city are learning about. Then you have the countless small local events that pop up seemingly over night or have always been. When it comes to finding them it can be hard if you don't know were to start looking. Around Buffalo word of mouth is king. However, with the popularity of Facebook, Twitter and cell phones Things are starting to become more accessible. There are almost endless new events popping up because of this. Then you have all the colleges around and in the city. Which should be the biggest sign that there are things to do because once in a while college students have to do other things besides study. Seriously, there are about eight different colleges with multiple different campuses spread about the area. With that in mind I am going to be posting in separate sites. First is the tumblr. https://www.tumblr.com/blog/muchadoaboutbuffalo The tumblr is the most active bit around here. I had forgotten that this and that were not synced. At all. Ever. It is mostly me re-blogging other, more interesting people from Buffalo that happen to also be on tumblr. Lot's of historic stuff and older concert stuff. Artvoice is there and others. Original posts are a little lacking but there is an explanation! If I can find a lot of interesting stuff I do set up scheduled posts. Then there is the twitter. https://twitter.com/MuchAdoBuffalo This is less active then the tumblr but it still is mostly re-tweets because there is a lot of news sites on twitter. It is starting to have more original posts because it is synced with the facebook page. Then there is facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/MuchAdoBuffalo Right, so because I have my art twitter posting to my art page... Twitter will not let me also link to my Buffalo page. (Because apparently no one has more then one page and one twitter? who knows.) Fortunately I can post to the twitter from the facebook page. I have also figured out how to share posts to the page. (which I might add to the site because help is helpful.) It's very quiet because I made it on December 1st, 2014. This also has a scheduled post ability so the more I find the more I can set up. So! With all that out of the way I can dive right in to the mysteries of a friendly city. |